SierraSoft Land

BIM software for land 3D modeling and analysis

BIM software for land 3D modeling and analysis

Main news

Version 8



Added the command “Description by code” in the survey measure tables


Added the possibility to define the angle in the point selection with the direction and length option (“>”)


Added the management of the survey triangle symbol with the visualization of lines or triangle number


Updated the scale command with the possibility to define the reference distance as the distance between two points


Added a command for compacting the project file



Added camera focal length management in realistic mode


Added the display of grid and geoid information


Added geoid management for the correction of elevations


Added new coordinate systems


Added “Polyline width” property that allows polylines to be represented with a constant width independent of lineweight


Added the management of IDS in BIM Modeling for the verification of information content compilation


Added the management of bSDD in BIM Modeling for the compilation of information content


Added the management of file GEOTiff DEM in the SierraSoft Mass Data Converter


Added the management of file E57 in the SierraSoft Mass Data Converter


Release Version 8

Version 7



Added the command constraints checking



Added filter on drawing style in quick selection


Added the possibility to set the orientation of contour line dimensioning in the direction of rises



Improved and updated import and export in IFC 4.3 format



Added distance dimension from a polyline


Added distance dimension from an alignment



Added management of quantity calculation using formulas


Added the possibility to filter only the BIM objects and not the BIM structure when exporting to IFC format


Added the possibility to perform the extractions using as a reference subproject the one where the extraction is inserted


Updated the toolbar of drawing styles


Added command for deleting unused layers, blocks and styles


Added command for quick selection of entities


Added the possibility to automatically hide the top bar and bottom bar of the program

News:Added a command to change the angle of survey points with a fixed value, from a polyline or from an axis
Improvement:Improved the management of entity selection filters
Improvement:Speed up the visualization of point clouds
Improvement:Speed up the functions of saving and opening files
News:Release Version 7

Version 6


News:Added the management of drawing by codes of the symbol by the next points
News:Added the command to perform subproject data transformation by calibration points


Improvement:Updated the component for selection from Google maps to make it compatible with the new Google API


News:Added the offset command in the commands for editing the section polylines
News:Added new horizontal workings in the calculation style of the areas in the sections


News:Added in the extraction from point clouds the possibility to exclude points below a certain elevation difference from the project
News:Added the extraction from point clouds optimized for tunnels


News:Added the possibility to save an image from the window of the planimetry in “Full Screen” mode
News:Added “Full Screen” mode for the the window of the planimetry


News:Added the export to DWG of BIM properties of survey points as hidden attributes
News:Added material management in realistic mode
News:Added environment management in the realistic mode
Improvement:Improved light management in realistic mode


News:Added the “Orthogonal distance” columning in the sections that allows you to dimension the orthogonal distance between polylines as is the case, for example, in the dimensioning of the tunnel
News:Added the “Vertical distance” columning in the sections that allows to dimension the vertical distance between the polylines
News:Added the opening of new image formats: ECW, PCX, WMF, PCT
Improvement:Managed the unit of measurement when importing block references from DWG


News:Added the choice of decimal separator in text document exporting
News:Added the management of the drawing grid in the window of the planimetry
News:Added new special dimensions: station, polyline, area, triangle slope, transversal slope, axis leader and axis distance
News:Added arcs and splines linearization tolerance in triangulation
News:Added the columning with constant step in profile and sections
News:Added the management of the alignment of the survey points labels
News:Added the management of the custom size of the survey points labels
News:Added the management of the angle of the survey points labels
News:Added command to modify the tension of contour lines
News:Added the management of auxiliary contour lines
News:Added the increment option in the block modification of the name of survey points
News:Added the management of the description 2 of the survey points
News:Added command for extracting a regular mesh of survey points
News:Added command for extracting a regular mesh model
News:Added the possibility to insert 3D faces with the fourth vertex
News:Added the possibility to order in the table of the survey sections the sections with the same stations
News:Release Version 6

Version 5


Improvement:Improved the management of hatches in plotting previews
Improvement:Improved the management of surface polylines with internal areas in SmartPolyline


News:Added the possibility of defining the origin when exporting in IFC format
News:Added then command to delete duplicated triangles
News:Added the possibility of calculating the basin volume from a point of minimum


News:Added the possibility of displaying or not the date, time and name of the project file in the printouts
News:Added the possibility to apply longitudinal and transversal rotation to blocks along a polyline in SmartPolyline


News:Added the command to create thematic maps from models
News:Added the command for the visualization of the plane areas
News:Added the command for displaying valleys and ridges
News:Added the command for displaying peaks and pits
News:Added the command to calculate the filling volume of a basin
News:Added the command to calculate a contour line from a point
News:Added the command for calculating the water path from a point
News:Added the display of slope vectors in the survey models
News:Release Version 5

Version 4


News:Added the possibility to create sweeps of shapes with inner boundaries
News:Added the possibility to create polygonal surfaces from polylines


News:Added the management of the BIM properties of the project
News:Added the management of the BIM object of the site and its BIM properties
News:Added in the BIM Exchange the import and export in IFC 4.3 format
News:Added features to BIM Modeling to make it compatible with IFC 4.3 format


News:Added the coloring of survey model by slopes
News:Added the displacement in Y for the default position of the survey points labels
Improvement:Moved to the subproject level the management of the filters of the survey points labels
Improvement:Moved to the subproject level the management of the labels, sizes and symbols of the survey points


News:Added the command to join BIM objects
News:Added in the BIM “SMART” properties the possibility to read directly the characteristics of the entity
News:Added in the BIM Exchange the import and export in ESRI Shape (SHP) format
News:Added in the BIM Exchange the export in Google KML and Google KMZ format
News:Added the possibility to generate the BIM objects of the project planimetry grouped by code


News:Added the possibility to modify the order of project quantity codes, section quantities and WBS
News:Added the possibility to filter the WBS to print in the quantity summary and in the quantities from sections
News:Added the possibility to sort or not the quantities in the summary and linked reports
News:Added the management of the plot windows
News:Added the management of the drawing sheets


News:Added the possibility to choose whether to select complete BIM objects or individual entities.
News:Added the import and export of survey points by station and offset in text format.
News:Added the command mirror.
News:Added the command fillet.
News:Added the command chamfer.


News:Added the selection of points in the drawing commands indicating the name of the initial and final survey point.
Improvement:Improved the selection with polyline.


News:Added the possibility to customize the labels of the survey points for single point.
News:Added the command for the insertion of survey points by station and offset respect to an axis.
News:Added the color of the titles and texts of columning by polyline code.
News:Added the commands for the drawing of the sideslopes.


News:Added the command to insert a polyline from a closed area.
News:Added the import and export in DWG and DXF of the hatches.
News:Added the management of the hatches of the sections areas.
News:Added the management and commands for the insertion of the hatches.


News:Added the command to interpolate the elevations of a polyline from survey points.
News:Added the export of the tables to DWG and DXF.
News:Added the export of dimensions to DWG and DXF.
News:Add the commands for the insertion of the dimensions.


News:Added the command to convert texts in the name or in the elevation of the survey points.
News:Added the possibility to import and export the BIM properties “Lists of options”. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the possibility to import and export the BIM property styles. (BIM Modeling)


News:Added new views of the project BIM structure.
News:Added the possibility of the multiple change of the selected BIM objects properties. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the possibility to define predefined groups for the entities of the project planimetry and of the SmartPolylines. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the possibility to view the quantities of the WBS intervals and sections with the quantity code or article. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the possibility to define the type of IFC entity in BIM objects export through entity styles. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the possibility to define the type of IFC entity in BIM objects export. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the possibility to create a group or not for properties that derive from an entity style. (BIM Modeling)
Improvement:Improved the notes display in the BIM objects structure. (BIM Modeling)


News:Added the BIM styles management of the project planimetry elements based on the code of the section polylines. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the management of the BIM “SMART” properties for the advanced autofill of the BIM object properties. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added new autofill features of the “WBS” BIM properties. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the management of the BIM properties for the WBS codes. (BIM Modeling)
News:Added the management of the BIM properties “List of options”. (BIM Modeling)
Improvement:Improved the management and insertion of the entity properties. (BIM Modeling)


News:Added management of Spline, Spline Fit, Bezier/Spline types in the drawing polylines and polylines with code
News:Release Version 4

Version 3


News:Added the possibility to select the position, left or right, of displaying of the section areas
News:Added the video tutorial section in the online help (Requires internet connection)
News:Added the exportation of the survey points as blocks with attributes
Improvement:Improved the import of large IFC files
Improvement:Improved the export of large surfaces in LandXML format
Improvement:Improved the import of large surfaces in LandXML format


News:Added grips in realistic mode
News:Added the lock of the view in the graphic window of the planimetry
News:Added the predefined views in the graphic window of the planimetry


News:Added the projects sharing between the M3 Framework products
News:Added the stereoscopic 3D view in realistic mode
News:Added the management of the SmartPolyline styles in the survey polylines
News:Added the SmartPolylines for the dynamic 3D modeling of composed surfaces and solids
News:Added the command for extruding a polyline
News:Added the command for sweeping a shape along a polyline
News:Added the command for sweeping an object along a polyline
News:Added the command for inserting blocks along a polyline
News:Added the extraction of section flags from sections in planimetry
News:Added the extraction of section polylines in planimetry
News:Added the rectangle command for the polylines of survey, axis, profile and sections
News:Added the rectangle command for the drawing polylines
News:Added the stakeout of the entities
News:Added the conversion of SierraSoft MGD files to point cloud in SierraSoft Mass Data Converter
News:Added the conversion of Esri ASCII Grid files to point cloud in SierraSoft Mass Data Converter
News:Added the management of quantity models
Improvement:Updated the command for the triangulation between two polylines
Improvement:Updated the command for the triangulation of a polyline
Improvement:Updated the command for creating a sideslope to model from a polyline
Improvement:Updated the command for creating a sideslope from a polyline


News:Added the report of survey points with staking out data
News:Added the staking out of existing survey points
News:Added the insertion of survey points from sections
News:Added the staking out of the survey sections


Improvement:Added tabbed management in the program toolbar


News:Added the possibility to filter the extracted entities in section according to a BIM filter
News:Added the possibility to filter the extracted entities in section according to the layer


News:Added the possibility to extract in the sections the intersections references with the axis polylines
News:Added the possibility to extract in the sections the intersections references with the survey polylines
News:Added the possibility to view the intersections with other sections
News:Added the ability to customize the intersections references
News:Added the possibility to define the maximum length of the segments of the polylines extracted from the point clouds
News:Added the possibility to extract and visualize the points of the clouds in the sections
Improvement:Improved the extraction of the section polylines from the point clouds


News:Added the integration of the survey points in the triangulation of the point clouds
News:Added the possibility to define the minimum density of the triangulation of point clouds
Improvement:Improved the area selection in the partial triangulation of point clouds
Improvement:Improved the osnap on point clouds
Improvement:Improved point cloud visualization
Improvement:Updated the SierraSoft Mass Data Converter for the management of the new CSD format
Improvement:Updated the CSD format for point cloud management


News:Added the extractions of section polylines from drawing subprojects
News:Removed the limit on the number of sections polylines extractions


News:Management of saving plotting previews
News:Management of 3D views in plotting previews
News:Export of plotting previews as images
News:Release Version 3

Version 2


News:Added new options to improve the quality of the display in realistic mode
Improvement:Improved the display performance in realistic mode
Improvement:Improved selection in realistic mode


News:Added new BIM properties by entities for BIM objects of the layers, blocks, codes. (BIM Modeling)
Improvement:Improved the function transform entities


News:Added the import and export of REB documents


News:Added the import and export of text documents
News:Added the management of large images
News:Added the management of new IFC entities
Improvement:Improved display in realistic mode


News:Updated the BIM Exchange extension with the new features of BIM Modeling
News:Added new BIM Modeling extension for information modeling
News:Added new BIM visualization of the project data
News:Added the compability with AutoCAD 2018/2019


News:Added the possibility to manually assign the section flag to the section polylines
News:Added the multiple selection of the polylines in the commands divide and measure
News:Added the multiple selection of the polylines in the commands edit polyline
News:Added the possibility to assign the elevation to the allotment in the quantity by models calculation
News:Added the multiple selection of the allotments in the quantity by models calculation
News:Added the multiple selection of the polylines in the quantity by models
News:Added the multiple selection of the polylines in triangulation by polyline


News:Added the clipboard management for the graphic entities


News:Added the possibility to automatically adapt the columning size according to the section entities
News:Added the command copy properties
News:Added the command to insert a circle by tangent, tangent and radius
News:Added the command explode for the polylines
News:Added the commands for the editing of the section polylines
News:Added in the drawing toolbar the layer commands
News:Added the scrolling toolbar in the windows of the additional desktops
News:Added the management of the properties in the windows of the additional desktops
News:Added the management of the entity filters for the realistic mode
News:Added the command for the automatic displacement of the survey point labels
News:Added the command to change the surface of the triangles
News:Added the entity styles for the survey points labels
Improvement:Improved and made faster the display in realistic mode
Improvement:Improved the management and the display of the commands messages
Improvement:Improved the query commands ID, distance, angle and area
News:Release Version 2

Version 1


News:Added the management of project coordinates systems
News:Added the command 3D offset
News:Added the command multiple 3D offset
News:Added the possibility to apply to all or more subprojects a single filter or a filter selection
News:Added the command for the triangulation between two polylines
News:Added the command for the creation of a sideslope by polyline with different methods
News:Added the command for the creation of a sideslope to model by polyline
News:Added the filters for the survey points labels
Improvement:Management of the space as separator of the survey codes
Improvement:Updated the survey filters


News:Release Version 1
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