SierraSoft Land Design Studio
BIM software for land survey calculation, 3D modeling and analysis
Technical resources
Accessible from the software online help (including trial version)
- SierraSoft Land Design Studio guide
- SierraSoft BIM Exchange guide*
- SierraSoft BIM Modeling guide*
(*) not included with the trial version
Video tutorial:
Introduction to the working environment
- Opening of a work
- Work organization
- The BIM Modeling panel
- The graphic windows
- The toolbar
- The command line
- The layer panel
- The filter panel
- The property panel
- The Survey operating window
- The Sections operating window
- The Quantity operating window
- The Settings window
Video tutorial:
Overview on databases
- The import from sgd
The images import
The import of DWG/DXF files
The downloading of maps and DEM from internet
The import of Land XML files
The IFC files import
The ASCII files import
- The special Copy and Paste
The conversion of clouds or DEM
Video tutorial:
Design predispositions
The units of measurement and the reference system
Setting of the drawing styles, entity styles and annotations boxes
Transformation of graphic entities
Terrain modeling
Terrain extraction styles