SierraSoft Roads
Projects in BIM with an ease that is incredible
Design and BIM
Alterações e verificação em tempo real
Controle o projecto como nunca antes pôde e reduza drasticamente os tempos de projecto, graças à secção em tempo real 3D em planimetria. Altere um parâmetro e tudo será actualizado automaticamente. Verifique o resultado imediatamente, antes mesmo de gerar o projecto. Terá o controlo total sobre todo o projecto, sobre cada pormenor.M3 Framework Database
All data relating to design and information modeling (geometries and data) are stored in the M3 Framework Database managed by SierraSoft Roads. The M3 Framework Database stores all the parameters and data of the project, of the information modeling (geometries and data) and of the information exchange. SierraSoft Roads generates, starting from the data contained in the M3 Framework Database, all the necessary information documents and information models, with content and level of detail based on the requests. The M3 Framework Database is the only reference for information and guarantees consistency between project data (plans, profiles, sections), information documents and information models.As-Found
Create a digital reproduction of the territory
Acquire the information
Acquire and use the land information needed to create a digital reproduction of the existing.Nuvens de pontos
Modelação do terreno
As-Found Information model
Create new objects from the acquired data, defining the geometries and their information content. Get a complete information model that is highly useful for your design.Sistemas de coordenadas
Alignment design
Create horizontal and vertical alignments in a natural way
A system with a few essential commands allows to solve complicated cases in a natural way through grips, properties and intelligent objects.Directriz
Perfil longitudinal
The terrain profile is automatically returned based on your settings. You can get profiles from different sources: 3D models, axes, sections, polylines, etc.Interseções rodoviárias
Design any intersection with ease and precision
Parametric and programmable for maximum efficiency and flexibility
Create and manage the typical section within a specific environment by assembling parametric objects included in the software or defined by the user. Objectos tipo incluem faixas de rodagem, camadas, fossos, valetas, muros, objectos genéricos. The creation of the typical objects takes place in a dedicated environment. You can parameterize features and data, and if that's not enough, you can program them using the included scripting language.Secções transversais
Automatic and always consistent with the information model
Extract all data wherever they are: from triangle models, from point clouds, from other axes, from information models (railways, roads, hydraulic works, bridges, tunnels, ancillary works, buildings), from cartography. The insertion and management of the project typical section takes place completely automatically on the basis of the data settings of the parametric design. The drawing of the sections, completely customizable, includes the tables of quantities, the dimensions, the annotations box and the fills.Quantities calculation
You decide what to calculate and how to calculate it
Livre para projectar onde quiser
Cálculos, controlos e verificações das normas: SierraSoft Roads controlar se o projeto está em conformidade com as normas. Check the congruence of the design parameters of the axes with the selected policy. Generate and test the visibility diagram and the speed diagram. Generate the speed diagram. The calculation of the superelevations and widenings takes place automatically. The calculation of the overhangs and widenings takes place automatically. Get a detailed report of the verification, element by element, with the provisions of the policy. The software will suggest, where possible, the maximum and minimum values to be adopted. Several policies are already present in the software, and thanks to an open and intuitive system, you can extend the existing regulations with the new ones you need.Non linear 3D design
Design and model complex three-dimensional geometries
Go beyond the traditional design method for axes and sections. Generate complex 3D surfaces and solid compounds with SmartPolylines. Work directly in 3D creating everything you need: sideslopes, benches, terraces, embankments, pools, ramps, parking lots, etc. Interactively design, with extreme precision and speed, 3D geometric models from which to extract sections and calculate volumes.Hydrological analysis
Obtain valuable information in relation to the presence of water
Obtain important information for hydrographic and hydrological analysis of the territory and of new projects. Analyzes the hydrological problems related to the territory and facilitates decision-making processes relating to new projects. Get, starting from a point, the path of the water or the contour line. Displays slope vectors, valleys, ridges, tributaries, flat areas, maximum and minimum points on the terrain or project surface. Calcular o volume de enchimento de uma bacia.Modelação de informações avançada
Define your BIM model in detail
Information exchange and multi-disciplinary integrated design
Share information models and manage federated models for infrastructures
Análise e verificação de informações
Analisa e verifica o conteúdo de informações dos modelos BIM
A análise, a verificação e a validação do conteúdo de informações ocorrem em simultâneo com as actividades de projecto e modelação de informações. Isto tem como objetivo identificar e resolver eventuais erros de projecto e modelação no ponto onde surgem e onde é mais económico corrigi-los. Podes então identificar interferências entre os modelos criados e entre os modelos federados, verificar a estrutura, os elementos e o conteúdo de informações. Para além dos controlos normalizados, existem controlos específicos para os modelos de informações topográficas e infra-estruturais. Requer a extensão software SierraSoft BIM Checking.Information documents
Automatically generates the required information documents
Starting from the project data and from the data of the information model, it automatically generates drawings and reports of various types including:Information models in open formats
Positioning and construction
Generate reports, drawings and models for use in positioning and construction
Plataforma de coordenação e integração
Integra e coordena os fluxos de projecto e de trabalho em BIM
Certifique as suas competências profissionais
Certificação ICMQ - BIM Specialist disciplina Infraestruturas com SierraSoft Roads
A posse da certificação profissional como Experto BIM é cada vez mais exigida pelo mercado e está a tornar-se um recurso cada vez mais valorizado. A SierraSoft, em colaboração com o ICMQ, oferece a possibilidade de profissionais que já trabalham em BIM com os seus produtos obterem uma certificação que atesta a posse dessas competências.